To The Man In My Dreams


The past few days have been very hard. I have been in a dark place, as of late. This past Sunday was Father’s Day.

Growing up, it was made plainly obvious that I didn’t have the traditional family, the type of family that media portrayed to me. I had a mother, grandparents and uncles raising me. My father was absent. I have never known my father, in fact my mum refuses to share with me the details of my father. I have heard bits and pieces here and there over the years but I have never really known.

It’s cliché to say, but as a little girl growing up, I had dreams and begged God to have my Dad just turn up out of no where and have a movie moment. You know, he introduces himself, we hug and it’s like no time has passed. He’s as elated to see me as I am him. It’s 23 years later and I’m still waiting.

I think I have mentioned before, that my mum has had many boyfriends growing up, from the one who hated me, the alcoholic, the boyfriends kids hating me, the daily marijuana user, the control and god loving and stalker husband.

I mean there are more, but these are the most memorable ones. Every year growing up, mum would make me get them father’s day gifts. And honestly, when I was younger I enjoyed it, I was fulfilling that urge and need of wanting that traditional. I tried so hard with all of them, I tried so hard to make relationships and connections with them all, but it was never the same. They never seemed interested. Don’t get me wrong I love my siblings, but when the problem was further exaggerated when mum had children with three of the men. I was forgotten about. I was outcast and felt even further on the outside of the circle.

Father’s Day is always rough for me. I always wonder why I was never wanted. Why I was never important enough to stay and form a bond with. Why was I never good enough for you? I was still in uteri when you left. When you walked away from me. I made something of myself dad. I have a son, who is amazing and I have the most understanding and caring husband. I have 9 weeks left of my degree, and I have one final exam left to complete for me to be able have my dream job. Dad, I did it all in spite of you. I constantly fight this feeling everyday, that was created by you (indirectly) of not being good enough. I’m constantly, trying to prove and demonstrate that I am worth it and that I am someone worth loving to person I never knew. How is that even possible? How is it that a person can be so plagued by someone who was never there to begin with? How does someone get closure from a situation that was created by this fictional person, who was created in my head?

I mentioned earlier that, I was also raised by my grandparents and uncles. More so my grandparents. I had male figures in my life. My grandfather became my father figure. He is a stoic man. He is my rock, my role model of how a man should treat a woman. Papa has always protected  me and been a shoulder to cry on. He was always more to me than a granddad and  I think that is why we have a different relationship that the other grandchildren. I remember being in respite and he came in with mum to come see me, and I couldn’t be more happier (which is ironic because I wasn’t really happy, more comforted) that he came. The feeling of seeing his face was overwhelming but I never feel more at home then in his arms. I never feel safer than being in his arms. BUT, he will never, fully fill that role. I’m not saying that I’m not grateful for him stepping up. I know how lucky I am to have someone as amazing as my papa, there are people in our world who have no parents, no support system and have to navigate our complicated world alone. But there is something about the “daddy’s girl” role, that special bond between a father and daughter, that I will never truly experience.

I’m older and what I like to think forever becoming more wiser, and I had the thought of beginning the search for my father. There is a half of me, somewhere out in the world, that shares some genes with me. That may look like me, that has family that is related to me. But to be honest in a combination of procrastination and fear, I have never gotten off the ground with the search. What if he doesn’t want me? What if the reason he left was because he didn’t want anything to do with me? What if I was the sole reason he walked away? And based on that assumption, I would then face my biggest fear of all time, rejection. Feeling as though you have been rejected your entire life in combination with the possible (but highly likely) rejection from this important, yet fictional character, to be honest I don’t think I am emotionally stable enough to manage and cope with that.

A part of me knows, if I was to pursue this, that I could be more than likely, just be setting myself up for failure, that I’m submitting myself to torture by doing this. But then there is a small, but very strong part of me saying, that it could be like your dreams and fairy tales. That you could get what you wanted. And then there’s the realistic part of me, the part that says, even if he wants a relationship, what does that even mean? Your 23 years-old now, the type of relationship you want is 10 year-old you.  That’s not possible, the relationship may not even meet your emotional needs. He may not even be alive or available.

I will keep you guys posted on this.

SIDE NOTE: I have finished my last paper, passed that paper and now all I have left is a final placement.  I never thought that I would ever get to this point and that I would be capable to do so. Hence why I’ve been M.I.A and really less blog posts. I have been relishing in the fact that I have made it this far and that I can taste my degree and registration.


Who moved my Cheese?


The more important cheese is to you, the more important you to hold onto it.

So, let’s have an internal dialogue. Everyone join in and lets all have an internal conversations with ourselves. Okay, ready? Let’s all answer this question honestly, How well do I cope with change?

In class, yes I have no life and all my epiphanies in class, but it may be because i get bored, the mind wanders and all the readings in class at the moment have been really   insightful and thought provoking…

Smell the cheese often so you know when it’s getting old.

Anyway, back to the question, how well do I cope with change? Honest answer, not very well. I do not cope with change that well at all. In fact depending on the the type of change, I can become resistant. What’s your answer?

If you haven’t read the story, who moved my cheese, you should. I encourage everyone to find this and read it. It is the most thought provoking piece of material I have ever read. It’s not life changing but it comes from a perspective where it challenges your own self and self management skills in regards to changing.

My life over the next 3 months is probably the most important time and the contains the most change.  And because of this, I have been in the weirdest mood. My moods have been been all over the place, I would actually go as far to say , borderline manic. With my anxiety, I am the type of person who freaks when husband arrives home 10 minute later than what he normally does. I mean, i’m full blown panic mode, ringing, texting and getting ready to file a missing persons report… I wish that was an exaggeration, but it’s not.

I am less than 3 months away of finishing and completing my degree. I will be out in the world, with no lecturers to fall back on and taking full accountability of my practice and actions. Mistakes may be made, i will be continuously learning, but I have spent four years studying. I have routines and processes. And in less than 3 months it’s all going to change.

The quicker you let go of old cheese. the sooner you find new cheese

When you see that you can find and enjoy new cheese. You change course.Noticing small changes early helps you adapt t the bigger changes that are to come.

Sometimes, I don’t know what’s worse, Anxiety or Depression.

So back to who moved my cheese? Change is one of those things that are inevitable. Change is a positive thing, it shows growth and evolution. Embracing change after being stuck in the same routine is hard, but if your eating chocolate the same way for years and then someone says eat the chocolate this way  because it’s more productive, its hard to embrace. There are times when change can be negative and can leave a bad taste in the mouth. I get that, but majority of the time change is good.  Change can be scary and people become very resistant but..

When you move beyond your fear, you feel free. Move with the cheese and enjoy it.

I like to think that I adapt to change quite well, and on the outside it may appear that I do. But at the end of the day, I can be resistant, especially internally. People tell me that it’s okay to be scared, something about fear and change and it being normal. But it’s sometimes that fear that will hold me back. It’s weird when i put on my uniform and go on placements and work and learn and do what I love, the fear melts away. Now, why can’t it do that when i don’t have my uniform on. Sigh.

I will say that, after reading the story, my perspectives have opened. I’m conscious about change.


(Apologies about this being short and all over the place, but like I mentioned, I am in the oddest mind frame at the moment. I’m having issues processing and functioning.)

Spoons and Mental Illness


Okay so It’s been what two months since my last post? Yeah sounds right, things in class have been so hectic. But I actually have two weeks off, which is completely unheard of. Apologies though.

So I was thinking, I have been opening up to more people about my depression and anxiety. And in class we’ve been talking about the social construction of illness and how it impacts a health consumer’s illness experience. In simple terms how stigma and views of society effect a sick person. It’s made me frustrated and annoyed, partly because I don’t like repeating myself and secondly because I don’t know how to communicate or find the words to describe and create and answer to the question everyone always asks.

So what is this magical question that’s giving me so much grief? 

What does it feel like to experience clinical depression?

See, for the longest time, I didn’t know what to say, that wouldn’t sound cliche and match societal perceptions of depression. Until, and i say UNTIL, i saw a video of this woman who had the perfect analogy for own illness that I found fit perfectly.The theory was designed and created by this woman to describe her daily experiences.

Have you ever heard of the spoon theory?

So to explain the theory I will just demonstrate it in relation to my daily experience with depression and anxiety

Every day I wake up and I get given an imaginary amount of spoons, that i can use through out my day. Except one spoon is equal to effort, ability to cope and emotional stability. And the amount of spoons i receive daily is dependent on the amount of sleep I get over night. For arguments sake let’s say I get my normal amount of sleep, which is 5-6 hours a night, so I can have 10 spoons. Now lets apply these spoons to my day.

As soon as I wake up, I automatically use two spoons. Because every morning when I wake is when my daily struggle and battle begins. The fight to get out of bed every morning is one of the biggest struggles. The ability of how I get out of bed will set the tone for my day, that’s if I even get out of bed. I then use a spoon when getting dressed, doing my hair and applying makeup. Sometimes I use two spoons if I choose to straighten my hair. But in this instance I have chosen not to.

So, if we’re using an average day where I’m going into school. That uses 6 spoons. The amount of emotional strength and capability it takes to make it through the day is enormous. To be able to sit and and actively participate in class is physically and emotionally draining. I use so many spoons in class to deal with my social anxiety and the negative thoughts that come along with it.

It’s not even afternoon yet and I’m left with one spoon, Would you like to know where that spoon goes? It automatically goes to my child. My son everyday automatically gets one spoon everyday. My post -natal depression complicates the relationship we share. I know what a good mother looks like, I know what a good mother should do, but it is a battle every day to fight these negative feelings that fester within.

So now i’m out of spoons, my days not over and there is still so much left to do. So what does my mind do? I go into robot mode. I shut down emotionally and mentally and do the things that need my attention. I become a zombie. I don’t process anything.

Usually if I run out of spoons before my days over, I don’t sleep at night and then I wake up with less spoons the next day. Running out of spoons before my days over is equal to a bad day. You can see how then a negative spiral can occur. That’s when the suicidal ideations overload my brain. I mean to be honest, everyday I have suicidal thoughts. It’s the strength and darkness that they come in. The darker they come the harder it is to fight the urge.

So what’s it like to live day to day with depression and anxiety? It’s constantly filled with decisions of where to spend my spoons. There are days when i have maybe three spoons for the whole day and some where I have more. But i have to decide everyday where my energy and time needs to be spent. What’s more important? I need to make those decisions everyday. I never have an excess of spoons because on those days when I have a lot of spoons is when I choose to work through issues and past hurt. Notice how on an average day I didn’t even have a spoon for my husband? That’s okay, because he understands. Some days I can be open and other days I can be a closed book.

So, yes, I just spoons describe my mental illness. But my tangible way of describing it, that makes sense to me and maybe you.

Have a good one everyone


#23lessons I have Learnt so far.


Gosh, life has been super busy, with course. And, good ole me, left an assignment to last minute. But I got it done, and handed it in on time. So, tick, got something accomplished until the next one is due.

I have a story to share. I got married. I never believed in the core essence of marriage as my mother put a foul taste in my mouth about the topic. But me and him were talking and I just said, hey why don’t we just share the same last name. And he said yeah, so we went to the court house, got our marriage licence and did the deed. It doesn’t change anything except we all have the same last name. It was quick, extremely intermit and not a big deal.

There’s been something trending on YouTube that I thought was really cool. It involves reflection and acknowledgement. I thought I would try it out. Especially since I am all about reflection and improvement. Even though there are some days where I just think it all a bunch of crap… Anyway here it is:

Oh By the way, do we love the batman and robin taco fight? It’s pretty fucking awesome right?!

Fun Fact: I am obsessed and utterly in love with TACOS

23 life lessons I have learnt so far:

  1. Don’t place trust in everyone you meet. Trust is something special, they need to earn it
  2. It’s none of my business what others think of me. What other people think about, what other people perceive me to be is none of my damn business.
  3. Emotions are okay. To cry, to become angry, to laugh and be happy, it’s okay. It’s part of being human
  4. Karma is real, be aware. Karma will come and bite you on the ass, be careful and aware of your actions
  5. Faking a smile takes a lot of energy. Being fake takes a lot of energy, energy that can be used in a more effective way.
  6. What you put out into the world, you will get back. I truly believe this one. And is one of my main mantras in life.
  7. You don’t need to have a lot of friends to be happy. I always thought having a lot of people around me was equal to my happiness. But nope, I have a few core group of friends, who I love and trust and have always been there for me.
  8. I am okay the way I am. I don’t need to be stick thin or have perfect straight hair for people to like me. I am who I am and that is okay.
  9. Hate and grudges take a lot of energy to upkeep. I learnt a long time ago, letting go of anger is hard sometimes but when you do, your mind, body and soul become much clearer and lighter. But in the words of Dr Phil, letting go of someone does not mean you forgive the person, and even if you do forgive the person, it does not mean you forget.
  10. Negativity is contagious and a deep black hole. God and boy do I fight every single damn day.
  11. Life is short. Self-explanatory.
  12. Say yes as much as possible, this relates to number 11, saying no is easy. But saying yes, stepping out of your comfort zone, that when the best experiences occur.
  13. Never leave a loved one without say I Love you, let the people you care about, know that you love them, that they are special and matter to you.
  14. Never go to bed while in a fight with your special one. Always resolve fights, you never know what can happen in any span of time.
  15. Do what make you happy. If dying your hair, a crazy colour makes you happy, do it. If running through the street butt naked makes you happy, do it. Actually don’t, because I am sure it’s actually illegal. But you get the point. Don’t do things to try fit in with others.
  16. Never settle. You deserve the best and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.
  17. Don’t let other people’s issues become your issues. Don’t get dragged into other people’s drama, it’s tiring and from personal experience, things you love will suffer because of it.
  18. Always shave your legs. Yeah…. It’s cause…. let’s just say never be unprepared for ahh… Well yeah 🙂
  19. You don’t have to always be on the defense. Having walls up and constantly waiting for the next attack is unhealthy and draining on the soul.
  20. People can be shitty. Enough said.
  21. People will lie to gain selfishly. In today’s society people are all about themselves and only interested in doing things if it benefits them. And they are not afraid to step on anyone’s toes.
  22. Never dismiss anyone’s feelings ad perceptions. People are entitled and allowed to feel the way they do. You may not agree with them, but it is not your business to tell them they are wrong.
  23. Find the positive in everything. There is beauty everywhere in this world, even in all the conflict and drama of the world.


So there it is, my list. It’s an interesting process. I encourage you to try it.

Outside Looking In


Today is a day. Another day on the timer. The seconds pass by. A constant reminder of the missing within.

Everything is grey. There is no colour in the world. The autumn leaves are muted as the grey envelopes the skies.

Everyone is so serious.

I see her sitting there. She sits away from others. Her hair is on her face. She never speaks up. She listens quietly. Paying attention and occasionally writing notes in class.

There is something about her. Something off. I’ve never seen her smile. Her eyes never light up. There’s no sparkle anymore, only the darkness. She used to be happy, I’ve seen it in the photos, the ones she used to use.

What happened to her? Where did the original go? Every day I see her become more isolated. She’s becoming more involved in her thoughts. I stand from the outside trying to look in.

There’s barbed wire along the entire perimeter. Bombs buried in the sand. Dogs waiting to attack those who get to close.

Why does she cry when she’s all alone and thinks no one can see her? Her eyes become red, she’s bleeding tears into her heart. Her sleeves show the remnants.

But she sits in the back. Her shadows hugging her, keeping her company in the loneliness.  I’m on the inside looking out.

And my world is beginning to scare me.

I put one foot in front of the other, I breathe when i need to. I blink when suppose to. I do as I’m told.

No longer an individual, I cry the same tears as anyone. My tears never stop flowing.

I dream of the pure happiness, to feel the bliss coursing through my veins.

Survival of the fitest, and I cry to survive. I accept the sadness to be able to feel something.

For now, is for now. That’s the best I can do


I’m Back, and things have happened


So I know it has been a while, two months to be exact and many a things have contributed to this.

  1. I had to change internet providers and that took forever
  2. I was on my nursing placement
  3. I haven’t been in the best mind space and extremely unmotivated to do anything

“Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

That feeling of vindication, or a sense of completion—it can be very enticing

What is everyone’s opinions about regrets and closure? For the longest time, i have been a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Also a believer that for some people, they need to communicate and express their feelings and emotions, they need to ask the questions for closure. And as a believer i am guilty of both. 

What are some ways you guys use to assist with acceptance and/or closure? I have a huge post traumatic experience with closure because of my mum. Because I will never get closure or acknowledged for my past experiences. And I just can’t find a healthy way to move on from the situation. The negative of this all is that I have just become so hyper sensitive to situations and the importance of closure. And I just need to find a way to make myself okay if it goes the latter.

For a while, my mind has been clear and I have been able to focus, on my school work and relationships and life. But up until recently i have felt my mind start to slip back into obsession and negativity. Nothing I do seems to help, and i can pin point exactly when it started too. It restarted when i was at a party, and drunken me decided that I was going to confront someone from the past. I decided that i was going to have a conversation and ask the questions for closure. Boy, was that a bad idea. In fact all it has done is put me into denial, running away from the situation and it is coming back to bite me in the ass. And like a broken record here I am, having to work through all the emotions and feelings. God, why did I open my big mouth and I cried too. Not a good moment there… Sigh

Argh, I am so sick and tired of having feelings and emotions. I am so sick and tired of having to work through things. I just want to, No, no more….

Sorry about that, I have moments where the darkness envelops at lightning speed. I will continue to stay I have planned a hike up this mount in my area, as part of soul searching material. Something to get me away for a few hours of home life and get me into the fresh air and space. I’m really hoping this time out will be give a small reboot and fresh mind.

Class work has been draining. Super draining, to the fact that it actually sends me to bed early, although i am becoming a little worried, instead of not sleeping i fell like i am going to the other extreme and sleeping a lot.

There are so many things on my to do list as of late, that I’m becoming  a little run down. Take now for example, it’s a Saturday night for me, I need to be studying but instead, I’m procrastinating and watching streams on Twitch.

I just can’t.. Not tonight. My head space is all confused and sluggish.

My diversion of thoughts is affecting my relationship. I’ve been slowly pulling away and he’s noticed it. I don’t crave affection, I just want to be alone. I don’t want physical touch. And it’s not because i don’t want him, cause i do, it’s just my brain. I can’t control it. Funnily enough, this paper for class i have been doing currently, has a large focus on neurological and brain injuries, meaning i have to learn the inter workings of the brain. And, gosh, it’s like a slap in the face. Like DING DING DING – Deal with it.. Sigh. Believe me i am trying. Well actually no that is a lie, honestly i’m not. And I am taking and using everything i can as an excuse to avoid a lot of things.

And honestly , I’m just feeling super iffy and lazy and just really no the normal I was used to being. 

But in saying that, I did manage to write and pass my first Essay in over a year. It was only a C+ but that’s better than what i had expected, what was a fail. And as my lecturers say, “c’s gets degrees.” And see that pass on the marking sheet gave me a huge confidence boost. It showed me that i can still do it, I am capable of doing this, and I deserve to be in the class.

I apologise that this has been all over the place, it’s not exactly the definition of concise. But it’s just the functioning organisation of my thought process at the moment.

I will be normal again… soon.. sometime real soon.

R E S P E C T, that is what it means to me


I’m sorry I have been a little M.I.A. I have started my nursing placement. I have just completed my first week actually. Placement has been such a positive experience for me. It has enabled me to find my love in helping others. I am so appreciative of the fact that these people let me into there life and share there most inner experiences and feelings and it makes me rediscover my passion again. It’s also keeping my mind very preoccupied. Also every day, twice a day I walk up and down this hill. At first when I saw it I almost threw in the towel and was like ahh nope, fuck that. But then I was like, the exercise is good for me and my depression. Plus, placement has gotten me on a schedule, I’m sleeping great. Things are looking up tacos because of it all. I say tacos, because tacos are my favourite food ever. I could swim in them. Lol. So my mood has been pretty stable, except for when I get tired, pretty much every night. But I always know when I need to go to bed, it’s when I am about to have a melt down.

So first week assessment: It went well. I have come to the conclusion about a few things.

  1. Some people are very impatient. So I live in somewhat a country based city, not too far from the main city and capital. I am having to travel 4 hours a day basically to get to placement and back. But I am not used to traffic, I mean we have less than 20 roundabouts and no traffic lights. And this first week I have probably witnessed close to 40 near misses. Whether including bikes, buses and cars. I’m not driving, my preceptor is but jeeze lousie has it scared the crap out of me.
  2. I have become somewhat more humble. After talking to some of the patients on placement, my upbringing is not as bad as what they had it. I’m predominately caring for elderly. But I love the elderly, I have the most upmost respect for them. They went through hell to get us to where we are today in the world. They helped develop transportation, the economy, just every thing. And to hear some of the stories that they had to endure to get to where they are today has just strengthened and deepened the respect I hold for them.
  3. People are rude, maybe ignorant, or self absorbed. Travelling on public transport, I have noticed the simple respect has disappeared. Twice now I have been on the bus and two people with blatant and obvious disabilities and no one offers to get up. So one of the times I get up and someone else tried to take the seat, and I had to say no sorry it’s for the man with the crutches, who was standing. Boy did I get the most dirtiest look from her.
And Lastly, I like my privacy. Sky rise apartment buildings and houses basically built upon on another with no yards. I am so thankful, that there is more than a meter between me and my closet neighbour. I am thankful for the fact that I can have a conversation and not have to whisper because the walls are so thin they would hear. And lastly I am sooo thankful for the fact that if I want to dance and walk around naked I don’t have to worry about my neighbours seeing me.
So while I am on placement I am going to be posting once a week instead of like twice, thrice times a week.
I hope you all have an amazing week. Oh also Happy Valentines day, and if you don’t believe in valentines day like me, then just a happy weekend.

Someone Please Restore my Faith in Humanity


Argh, I am so frustrated with some of the people in our society.

Since when did we become so judgmental and quick to place blame? When did we as a population become right fighters.

Now I am guilty of being a right fighter especially when I strongly disagree with a conflicting opinion. Since when did we as human beings lose our compassion and respect.

So, 2 boys in my town that I live in passed away in a car crash early Sunday morning. Now the actions that led to their deaths was stupid, irresponsible and completely idiotic. But what really pissed me off was that the local paper and news channels both had articles on Facebook reporting it and not even less than 6 hours of them passing people are commenting and bashing the kids, the parent’s the police. On the public posting, where some of the family and friends would have looked. Saw the article and all the postings and would have been beside themselves. Especially because that’s  how some of them would have found out. I mean how delightful, my 2 friends died but everyone is calling them cunts (Apologies, though they were) and idiots when I knew them as someone different.

Now I am sorry, but forgive me to say that regardless of their actions this was a death for the community. These boys are sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, bros. homies, cousins. So many things to so many people and they passed away and they still deserve to be buried with dignity. I am in no way dismissing their actions and I acknowledge the fact that their actions and decisions were the major influence towards their deaths.

BUT and it’s ma big BUT, the family and friends are grieving. They were 15 years old. Let the god damn family do what they need to do. They don’t need to see the hurtful judgment, they don’t need to see the community bashing them as parents.

Give it longer than 6 hours before calling the parents useless piece of shits, at least let the parents put their boys in their final resting places before saying, good job, they deserved to die then.

I honestly thought it was so disgusting. I am a person who can respect other opinions and will welcome a discussion with people that have intelligence or just plain common sense. But I just thought if the shoe was on the other foot, they wouldn’t be saying these things. They would be grieving and mourning the loss of two young people. Parents should never have to bury their children. I don’t understand where the empathy disappeared too. I’m not taking into account of people just not born with empathy, but some people… Ooooo it really makes my blood boil!!!

And what made it worse was for every nice comment on the posting was followed by at least 20 negative ones and everyone was just jumping down the throats of those who posted something nice, saying are you dumb, they killed themselves.

The thing is, at that point, that soon after the accident, it wasn’t about the actions and decisions it was just solely about the boys and the fact our community had lost 2 boys.


On another note, I have come to the realization that I no longer like being so emotional. I now cry or get angry at anything. I attempted to do the try not cry challenge with my sister and…. I failed. Dramatically. probably 40 seconds into the first video and then it went all down hill form there. I just found myself becoming so emotional, I mean they weren’t even sad tears. they were happy tears.. God Dam.

Honestly if I don’t get a grip there is no way I can possibly hold my shit together when I go out on clinical placement. If someone passes away, I mean it doesn’t look to professional.

Being back at school has been good for me though. It’s keeping me occupied. Well my brain occupied. I have been feeling low but not as what I have been. It’s just teetering on the edge on whether it’s going to be okay or not. Also trying to establish a successful sleeping pattern has been really hard, even with the homeopathic remedy. It may be caused by the stress that is accompanied with school.

My lecturers are nice and I feel like a couple of them are kind of looking out for. Just making sure I’m okay. It’s nice but annoying. Although, actually I have to ask have any of you ever been just annoyed with everything. Like you have very little patience and tolerance for anything. That’s the mood I have been in lately and my poor partner has been the aim of it all, I can’t stand the way he eats, breathes, sits, talks, laughs, walks… yeah..

It will eventually pass….

I hope

#Toogratefulltobehateful 2k16


So, I have been doing some research because I am not doing the whole resolution thing I still want to have something to have in a hard copy to keep as proof. A few You tubers that I watch, are encouraging the hashtag


So basically you write a list of things you are grateful to have in your life. Now these can be small things or large things. I have decided to do this weekly and I encourage you guys to do it to. You can do it as often as you like as long as you like. It’s been said by many that 2015 was the year of the cyberbullies and trolls. This hash tag is to encourage filling the internet with positivity instead of negativity.

And I agree, the amount of hateful comments I would read on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter was astronomically high. And horrible. I saw people insulting a child in one post, calling her ugly, and saying they hope she gets cancer. An innocent child. So here I am doing it too, every little bit helps to spread the positivity.

#Toogratefulltobehateful 2k16

  1. I am grateful to be alive and see my son turn 5
  2. I am grateful for my computer – Helping me since forever
  3. I am grateful to have a roof over my head
  4. I am grateful to have electricity in my house
  5. I am grateful to have my dogs, they love me unconditionally.
  6. I am grateful to be loved and cared about.
  7. I am grateful that someone invented makeup and that I have makeup – because some days, that shit is…… mmm, scary
  8. I am grateful for the internet, my biggest self therapy tool
  9. I am grateful for the sims game – keeping my mind occupied and busy and away from the darkness
  10. I am grateful to love in such a peaceful and scenically beautiful area – therapy for the soul
  11. I am most grateful for my family. As dysfunctional as we can be, I wouldn’t change any of them



Some of them may seem silly. But they’re mine. And what I am grateful for. As big or small, it’s what I am grateful about.

But one thing is for sure, seeing things on a hard copy, brings some type of happiness to the soul. It almost makes you feel some sort of accomplishment and gratitude.

Have a good day everyone.


Postnatal in depth and Controversy


**Warning – This could upset some people, although it is raw and it is my truth. I understand that it will offend some people. I’m sorry and you are entitled to your opinions. No judgement from me. **

There are so many global new stories that get reported about mothers harming their own children. A story popped up on my Facebook newsfeed about how a nother actually microwaved her own baby, She actually microwaved her baby to death.

Growing up I was always so digusted with child abuse cases but it wasn’t until after I had my son that I was actually truly disgusted to the point where I couldn’t read any actual articles, reading the headline was enough to put me off. I would feel physically sick.

So what does this have to do with post-natal depression? This is another sensitive topic for me, I have touched upon it many times, but like my suicide ideations I never have really gone in depth.

I just also want to say I do not condone child abuse in any form or way. And having a mental illness does not excuse the act that was committed.

A person should and has to be convicted for the act they commit not the illness.

Post partum depression is probably the most debilitating part of me. Some studies will say that it is not possible for post partum depression to last for a long period of time. That it is a short term illness. I just want to say, if you believe that, that is fine, but do not pass judgement on anyone who feels like they love there child 1-2 times a month. Even though they try so hard to fight it, even though they are fighting something that there brain is telling them is normal.


My son is turning 5 in a week. When he was about I would say 3, I just felt like something wasn’t right. He wasn’t reaching milestones or he would but they were very delayed. It wasn’t till I started seeing his anger and tantrums. Children, little children have tantrums, but my sons weren’t the normal. He would scream for hours, throw things, lash out at us. And his tantrums weren’t because we had said no to something, they would happen over things like the wind, or some other external stimulation that just seemed to completely overwhelm him

It actually got to the point that taking him out in public was a two man job. I could not handle taking him by myself. Someone needed to be holding his constant attention, so he wasn’t as affected by the extra stimulation. And even still sometimes that’s not enough to avoid a meltdown.

It was then at daycare that I really noticed the deficits. He wasn’t very interactive with other kids. Actually, when we would arrive at daycare, I would have to have him in another room where the quietness was and the coax him out into the main area. Monday to Friday I did this every morning, a 20 minute ordeal. The other kids were speaking almost full sentences, my son either didn’t speak or his words were very unclear.

I took him to the doctors searching for answers and help. And do you know what that bastard doctor said to, and I quote, if I can not handle him, the take a parenting class. Yup. Not even kidding, safe to say we laid a complaint and he is no longer our doctor. Asshole.

I felt so defeated. It wasn’t until son had a gastro stomach bug and he had to be admitted into the hospital for dehydration. And as horrible as it sounds, I am so glad he was admitted, because if he hadn’t been, I would still be as lost as anything. The paediatrician noticed that my son was just not right. Fast forward to now, son has no official diagnosis yet but what is confirmed, he is delayed by about a year and they querying some sort of autism or hyper sensitivity disorder.

Side note: I just want to shout out my stupid mother in-law who is an early childhood teacher and told me my son was a lazy baby. CHILDREN ARE NOT BORN LAZY, IT IS NOT A GENE THAT IS PASSED ON. IT IS A HABBIT THAT IS LEARNT FROM THE PARENTS AND FAMILY.

When son was very around 6months was the first time I realised I’m not okay. I was feeding him and i looked at him and i felt nothing. Like i was doing it because i had too. I went to the doctors and was prescribed medication and sent on my merry way. No follow up appointments nothing.I was weaned off my medication and continued on with my life. But the thoughts never went away. The emotions and feeling went away.

I’ve been sitting here for a while trying to figure out the best way to explain how post natal depression makes me feel. And this is what I have come up with;

Our brains tell us things that feel natural to us, our brains tell us when to eat and sleep, our brains tell us how too feel, when we feel sad our brain tells us hey lets feel sad.

So with me, when I look at my son, sometimes I will see genuine love and then sometimes I will see genuine dislike. I know in some of us, who have children, we will say sometimes we don’t like our children but we will always love them. But you know when we really dislike someone, even hate them, that’s the emotion I get. And I say sometimes I get one or the other because as I recover, the emotions have slowly began to change.

I would provide the basics but I couldn’t provide the extra love and attention that a child needs. I don’t want to say I neglected my child, because I didn’t, I made sure he was fed, clothed, slept all the basics. I just did it because it’s what I knew to do for a basic human being, society told me so. I did them because I knew I had to do them. I was under pressure to perform and be this parent who I had been to my siblings. I told you guys I was a good actress.

It’s like when I first realised I was mentally unwell, when your brain tells you and makes you experience these emotions and feelings who are you to argue with that. It’s your natural reaction, but in this situation when parenthood is blasted over the media and entwined into our up bringing and seeing the love and pure happiness that you are suppose to feel, and it doesn’t match, then I knew something is wrong.

It’s so hard to fight a natural and raw emotion created by your body. I make every effort to fight the negatives feelings, but some days I really can’t find the energy to keep fighting and I will succumb to the negativity.


I’m not going to lie, I have had many thoughts in dropping my child off at a police station or hospital and abandon him. I have thought so much about putting him up for adoption, Infact, while I was in respite I refused to see him, I refused to talk about him, all I wanted to do was give up my parental rights. I was just sick and tired of feeling like I failed him as a mother. He is an innocent child, he didn’t aske for a bat shit crazy mother. I couldn’t protect him when he needed it the most, when the 18 year old shit head smoked pot around him and treated him like shit. I couldn’t even protect him from the monster under my own roof. It’s not his fault he has these deficits nor is it mine and yet I still blame myself for them.

People in my family have asked me, how can I feel this way about him? And I always say, do you not think I try everyday to not feel this way. To see this innocent face everyday who has the biggest undefined love for me and purposely not give the same in return? Of course not, I know that this is not normal, I know that this is unhealthy, I know it all. And If there was some procedure or miracle drug that took all of this away, I would take in a heart beat regardless of price, distance anything.

This part is probably the hardest to admit, I have had thoughts on harming my son when he was younger. It just shows how messed up my head was/is. I never acted on it because of the pressure I felt, It’s an unhealthy cycle.

Parents look at there children and see them as something to add to their lives, I saw/can see him as a hindrance to my life. I don’t want to feel that way at all. Not when I know it’s not healthy at all and admitting all this makes me feel like shit.


So where do I go to from here? Well, thanks to the doctor that help me and the specialist paediatricians who also have been helping me. My family are amazing too, well the ones who matter to me, they are the most accommodating and helpful for me.

We have a plan, it was all agreed upon that in the initial year of pregnancy and after birth, I was depressed and under a lot of stress so that made bonding in the initial stages difficult. Then as I was noticing more and more with son, that the depression got progressive and the binding progress and process was more delayed and slowed. And then lastly with the abortion.

So the plan for the past year and to the future has been focusing on bonding an creating a connection. But mainly working on myself and changing personal thought processes to be the parent my son deserves.

I really hope I can be the parent he deserves. At least one day